We are accepting Primary Care Patients for the following providers: Hattie Miller and Maria Cabri. Please give us a call to schedule, or click here to request forms to be a patient.

Welcome to Sojourns,
where our mission is to inspire and model possibility and change in healthcare.

Integrated Services

The diversity of our practitioner team ensures that every patient is approached individually from a wide array of perspectives and disciplines. Collaboration is at the core of our mission. Daily practitioner team meetings are a forum for case discussion and integration of care.

Please call 802-722-4023 (select option 1) to find out which services will meet your needs.

  • Acupuncture can help remove blockages and restore proper energy flow. It is one of the oldest, most widely used medical procedures in the world. Studies in humans and animals indicate that traditional Chinese acupuncture may stimulate the production of endorphins (our bodies' own painkillers) in the brain, spinal cord and pituitary gland. We offer both individual and community acupuncture.

  • A chiropractor is a doctor who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of spinal health and well-being related to the proper function of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Chiropractors help their patients reduce pain, increase movement, improve performance, and enhance their quality of life, without the use of drugs or surgery. They focus on diagnosis, prevention, and conservative care.

  • The Feldenkrais Method is a unique approach to improving physical movement and enhancing self-awareness. Developed by physicist Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the method uses gentle sensory explorations of movement. These explorations tend to be pleasurable and relaxing and lead to improved coordination, reduced pain, and an overall increased sense of well-being.

    Feldenkrais works via neuroplasticity: the capacity of the brain to adapt throughout our lives. As slow movements bring one’s awareness to how different parts of the body relate, habitual tensions can be replaced with more optimal movement patterns. As the brain learns new habits, old tensions and chronic pains are often greatly reduced or disappear completely. People report both physical and psycho-emotional improvements from this work.

    Feldenkrais is appropriate for anyone.

    See a video explanation by Lauren Wolk

  • Naturopathic Medicine blends the best of western medicine with very long-standing traditional systems of healing. Naturopathic physicians can be primary care providers or specialists, and are trained to care for all members of the family, including pregnant women, infants, children and the elderly. Our Naturopaths often use natural medicine and traditional healing tools, but they can also prescribe pharmaceuticals and help manage the drugs used in chronic conditions.

  • Our naturopaths and nurse practitioners offer primary care services. We provide person-centered, relationship-based care that considers the needs and preferences of our patients.

  • Each physical therapist on our team offers a unique area of specialty, though we are united in that we offer services that complement other layers of care a patient might be receiving, whether that be primary care, acupuncture or chiropractic. Currently our physical therapists offer manual therapy, orthopedics, lymphatic drainage, neuromuscular retraining, pelvic floor training and exercised based rehabilitation services.

  • Massage offers a unique way to shift physical patterns that can be the result of, or lead to, other imbalances energetically, mentally, emotionally or even spiritually. It also improves circulation, reduces stress, and boosts immunity. Our 2 massage therapist, Gloria and Karlygash (KG for short) use a combination of Swedish and deep tissue techniques to bring clients into release and relaxation.

  • Your skin is the largest organ in your body. An Infrared Sauna increases internal body heat and induces sweating. It offers the possibility of cleansing both toxins and microbes through the skin, and we recommend it as a detox tool for both chronic and acute conditions.

    The infrared heater in the sauna can penetrate the skin to a depth of three and a half inches. It is effective at temperatures between 100 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Our History

sojourns linda

Dr. Linda Haltinner

Our late founder, Dr. Linda Haltinner chose the name Sojourns because it means journey. She believed that health and healing are a journey and that as practitioners we should walk beside our patients on their journey to wellness – an understanding of oneself that is not dependent upon external factors, but that is sourced internally through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.

Sojourns Community Health Clinic was founded in 2000 as a nonprofit clinic offering a broader and deeper understanding of what it means to be well.

We see people as whole, and we inspire a model for change for the delivery of healthcare.

Linda inspired everyone around her to believe that internal balance was not only achievable, but that it could be accessible to all. For over 20 years, Sojourns has boasted a talented array of professionals who carry this vision forward by starting every encounter with a vision of each patient as whole and well.

Our commitment to health access, regardless of socioeconomic status, is why we take time to listen to patients and collaborate across disciplines (primary care, naturopathic care, physical therapy, chiropractic, and acupuncture); educate colleagues and patients in complementary approaches to wellness; and reach a broader array of patients by working with insurance companies.

These priorities, among others, form a model of healthcare that can lead to real transformation for the 4,000 patients we see annually.